Category: Uncategorized


Internal Promotions

We’re very pleased to announce that both Iona Diack and Max Dimes have been promoted to Geo-environmental Consultant, effective from this month. Both Iona and Max joined us back in July 2022, and have worked very hard on developing their site works, reporting and technical knowledge. Congratulations…

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29/07/19 E3P staff on site at Littleborough and Whittle le Woods


Places for Everyone – Planning Inspectorate Report Martin Dyer and the E3P team have been actively involved in supporting Peel L&P, contributing their expertise to the examination of Places for Everyone, particularly regarding the Port Salford Allocation. Peat soil degradation is…

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End of Waste

On Wednesday 24th January, Martin Dyer had the pleasure of presenting nationally for the Institution of Environmental Sciences (IES) to peers across the industry to discuss the challenging topic of waste soil, legislation, and most importantly, solutions that can facilitate brownfield…

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March 2022 , E3P- staff headshots

E3P Celebrates Home Grown Talent and future Growth!

We are thrilled to announce Pete Winstanley’s well-deserved promotion to the newly created role of Operations Manager!  Pete’s dedication and expertise will undoubtedly contribute to the continued success of the E3P Geo Environmental Team. In line with our commitment to excellence,…

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Environmental Noise, Vibration and Dust Monitoring

Major projects and developments or any process or activity that generates elevated levels of noise, vibration and dust has the potential to be disruptive to residents and businesses during demolition, construction or operational phases. At E3P we have extensive experience of undertaking demolition, construction…

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Oct 2019 - Crimble , Irwell Vale and Cutacre sites for E3P

Biodiversity Net Gain Timetable

Last Wednesday marked the introduction of the governments next steps regarding ‘nature positive’ developments. The updated timetable has delayed the implementation of the mandatory 10% Biodiversity Net Gain from November 2023 to January 2024 for new housing and industrial or commercial…

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Oct 2019 - Crimble , Irwell Vale and Cutacre sites for E3P

The implications of Part 2A designation within the context of the planning framework.

A Part 2A site is one that is legally designated as “Contaminated Land” under Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 in the UK.  It is classified as having “Significant Potential for Significant Harm” (SPOSH) to human health or the environment due…

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Understanding the Impact of Construction Noise and Vibration

Construction projects are fundamental to the progress and development of our towns and cities. However, these projects can often come with a downside: noise pollution and increased vibration levels. Both noise and vibration can disrupt nearby residents’ daily lives, causing annoyance and even…

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01/07/20 - Acoustics testing at site on Great Harwood.

What are the British Standards that are related to Noise?

It’s likely you’re familiar with the term “British Standards” if you’ve ever read a Noise Assessment or are involved in planning applications. But you may not know exactly what they are or how they work. The British Standards are a set…

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