Remediation Strategy for Balmoral Drive Southport

Client– Elan Homes

Commencement date – May 2020

Completion Date – December 2020

E3P was asked to do Remediation Strategy at the site, located in the north, was a disused warehouse formerly known as Vulcan Motor Works and Engineering Works, which also housed a gym and a signage manufacturer. Meanwhile, the southern part of the site had four buildings used for vehicle repairs and storage. The center of the site consisted mainly of concrete following the demolition of former buildings, with two car parks situated at opposite ends of the site.

To redevelop the site, the client proposed demolishing existing structures, remediating contaminated soil, and constructing a low-rise residential development consisting of 157 dwellings, as well as associated infrastructure, landscaping, and public open space.

However, several challenges needed to be overcome to realize the development, such as heavily reinforced concrete and large buildings requiring demolition, an infilled former reservoir with impacted soils, organic/peat deposits in certain areas, asbestos-affected soil, and significant cut and fill to achieve the required development levels.

Elan Homes commissioned E3P to undertake a supplementary ground investigation, develop a comprehensive remediation strategy, and provide remediation supervision and validation. E3P Manchester delivered the works to bring the site forward for development, identifying potential development risks early on, which allowed the client to account for them in their program and budget.

E3P also provided comprehensive supervision of the geoenvironmental and geotechnical aspects during remediation, ensuring that the remediation contractor adhered to the agreed strategy. After completing the remediation, E3P validated the site’s enabling works and provided technical assistance to the client for the land sale.

Despite the site’s challenges and the ever-changing economic climate during the works, E3P finished the project within the program and provided the client with detailed assessments to reduce their costs.